窪田 裕一2  高橋 行継2  吉田 智彦1 
[1] 宇都宮大学農学部;群馬県農業試験場
关键词: Accumlated temperature;    積算気温;    Asahi-no-yume;    あさひの夢;    Goropikari;    ゴロピカリ;    Green paddy rate;    帯緑色籾歩合;    Paddy rice cultivar;    水稲品種;    Paddy water content;    籾水分;    Rice and wheat double cropping;    稲麦二毛作;    Suitable harvesting time;    収穫適期;   
DOI  :  10.1626/jcs.76.362
来源: Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai / Crop Science Society of Japan
【 摘 要 】

In 2000, we replaced paddy rice cultivar "Goropikari" with "Asahi-no-yume" in Tomo Area of Gunma Prefecture.However, we lacked data about suitable harvesting time.Therefore, we examined the suitable harvesitng time for "Asahi-no-yume" cultured in early and normal seasons for 3 years from 2001 to 2003. The highest yield and quality were obtained by harvesting when the accumulated temperature was 950°C and the green-paddy rate was 13% in early planting,and when the former was 1000°C and the latter 22% in normal season culture. The paddy water content was about 25% at these times,which was suitable for combine harvesting.

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