高橋 行継2  加部 武2  吉田 智彦1  神沢 武男3  大島 賢一3  阿部 邑美2 
[1] 宇都宮大学農学部;群馬県農業試験場;関東くみあい化成工業(株)
关键词: Coated urea;    被覆尿素;    Controlled availability fertilizer;    全量基肥;    Labor-saving;    省力;    Method of fertilizer application;    施肥法;    Non-split application of fertilizer;    肥効調節型肥料;    Paddy rice;    水稲;   
DOI  :  10.1626/jcs.75.82
来源: Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai / Crop Science Society of Japan
【 摘 要 】

We examined a special fertilizer for non-split application to paddy rice in order to develop a labour-saving method of feritlizer application suitable for climate, soil condition, and cultivation system in Tomo area of Gunma prefecture. We used seven kinds of coated urea which varied in release type and period, and examined the optimum release type, release period and combination or mixing-rate of fertilizers. Experiments over five years showed that the experimental fertilizers composed of (LP70+LPS80 or LP100+LPS100 with the ratio of fast and slow-release feritilizer at 1:1) was as good as the standard fertilization system which were both of basal and top dressing in yield and quality. From these results, we consulted with the local fertilizer company and determined that the special fertilizer should consist of LP70 (fast-release fertilizer) and LPS80 (slow-releace fertilizer) at a ratio of 1:1. In 2000, we started selling the special fertilizer named “Fureai- Ippatsu-shouryokugata 253”, and it is widely used today.

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