三好 祐介1  小林 洋介1  浅沼 興一郎1  楠谷 彰人1  豊田 正範1  安村 直子1 
[1] 香川大学
关键词: Primordium formation;    原基分化;    Wheat;    コムギ;    Floret;    小花;    Spikelet;    小穂;    Leaf;    葉;    Model;    モデル;    Growing degree–days;    有効積算温度;   
DOI  :  10.1626/jcs.73.10
来源: Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai / Crop Science Society of Japan
【 摘 要 】

Variation in the number of leaves, spikelets and florets formed on the main stem in three Japanese wheat cultivars grown in the field with three different sowing dates were analyzed with respect to the rate and duration of successive formation of primordia. The effects of temperature and daylength on the rate and duration were also discussed. The number of leaves, spikelets and florets primordia were counted under a scanning electron microscope or a stereoscopic microscope. The rate and duration of successive primordium formation were calculated with the models fitted to the relationships between the number of primordia and growing degree–days. The number of leaves decreased as sowing was delayed due to a lower rate of successive leaf initiation. There was a positive relationship between the mean temperarure and the rate of successive leaf initiation. The timing of floral initiation was the latest in early sowing and the earliest in late sowing in Iwainodaichi, a moderately vernalization sensitive cultivar. The duration of the vegetative growth in vernalization non–sensitive cultivars Sanukinoyume 2000 and Chikugoizumi was negatively correlated with the mean daylength. Sowing date had no apparent effect on the number of spikelets. There was no significant relationship between the number of spikelets and the rate or duration of successive spikelet initiation. However, there was a strong negative relationship between the rate and duration of successive spikelet initiation. The maximum floret number decreased as sowing date delayed. There was a negative relationship between the duration of successive floret initiation and the mean daylength.

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