Japanese Journal of Crop Science
Estimation of Hardening Speed of “Mochi” of Glutinous Rice from the Gelatinization Temperature, an Amylographic Characteristic, and the Correlation of the Hardening Speed with Gelatinization Temperature and Air Temperature During the Ripening Period(Quality and Processing)
Hirokazu SATO1  Yuji MATSUE1  Yosuke UCHIMURA1 
关键词: Air temperature during the ripening period;    硬化速度;    Gelatinization temperature;    糊化開始温度;    Glutinous rice cultivar;    水稲;    Hardening speed;    登熟温度;    Mochi (Rice cake);    餅;    Paddy rice;    もち米品種;   
DOI  :  10.1626/jcs.71.57
来源: Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai / Crop Science Society of Japan
【 摘 要 】

We examined the correlation of hardening speed of “mochi” (rice cake) of glutinous rice with the gelatinization temperature, an amylographic characteristic, and air temperature during the ripening period, in six glutinous rice cultivars. The hardening speed of “mochi” showed a strong negative correlation with the gelatinization temperature in all cultivars examined. Thus, it is possible to use gelatinization temperature as an indicator of the hardening speed of “mochi”. When the gelatinization temperature was lower than 62°C, the hardening speed of “mochi” was as low as 1.0, which is not suitable for “mochi” processing. Therefore, the gelatinization temperature of 62°C was suggested to be useful as an indicator for selecting glutinous rice cultivars superior in “mochi” hardening speed. Air temperature during the ripening period showed a strong negative correlation with the hardening speed of “mochi”, and a strong positive correlation with the gelatinization temperature. When the air temperature during the ripening period was lower than 24°C the hardening speed of “mochi” was very slow. The hardening speed varied with the year more widely than with the cultivar, suggesting that the hardening speed of “mochi” is affected more largely by the air temperature during the ripening period than by genetic background.

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