Japanese Journal of Crop Science
Studies on Palatability of Rice Grown in Northern Kyushu : II. Effects of harvest time on palatability and physicochemical properties of milled rice
Kumi FURUNO1  Yuji MATSUE1  Tomohiko YOSHIDA1  Kazue MIZUTA1 
关键词: Amylose content;    アミロース;    Breakdown;    ç±³;    Maximum viscosity;    最高粘度;    Northern Kyushu;    収穫期;    Palatability;    食味;    Protein content;    タンパク質;    Rice;    ブレークダウン;    Time of harvesting;    北部九州;   
DOI  :  10.1626/jcs.60.497
来源: Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai / Crop Science Society of Japan
【 摘 要 】
This study was undertaken to study the effect of harvest time on palatability, protein content, amylose content and amylographic characteristics of milled rice in northern Kyushu. (1) The palatability of rice harvested before or after then maturation was lower than that harvested at maturation. The protein content and amylose content increased and maximum viscosity and breakdown values decreased with earlier harvesting. It was estimated that early harvesting affected the palatability due to changes in the protein and amylose content and amylographic characteristics. (2) Palatability also was lowered by late harvesting. Cultivars tested could be divided into 4 groups ; high-palatability cultivars with less deterioration from late harvesting ; high-palatability cultivars with much deterioration ; low-palatability cultivars with less deterioration ; and low-palatability cultivars with much deterioration. Physicochemical properties changed with late harvesting, but no relationship between physicochemical properties and palatability was found. (3) Some cultivars showed less variation in palatability and physicochemical properties with different harvest times.
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