Japanese Journal of Crop Science
Growth of plants and microclimate in rice population : I. Horizontal distribution of several meteorological elements in rice population
Hiroyoshi CHUJO1  Osamu TANAKA1  Noboru NAKAYAMA1  Masuyuki TAKAICHI1  Toichiro INANO1  Gen-ichi HIRAI1 
关键词: Border effect;    個体群;    Horizontal distribution;    周縁効果;    Microclimate;    垂直分布;    Population;    水平分布;    Vertical distribution;    微気象;   
DOI  :  10.1626/jcs.58.13
来源: Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai / Crop Science Society of Japan
【 摘 要 】
The present investigation was carried out to clarify the meteorological environment in the rice population of 40×100 meters. The temperature, water vapor pressure and CO2 concentration in the population were measured every hour from 9:00 to 17:00, 6 times during the cultivation period. [Horizontal distribution] In the case of the west wind or the north wind, blowing toward the population, the temperature in the population decreased gradually from the border to about 10 meters inside the population, while water vapor pressure increased from the bordering area to 5∼25 meters inside. The temperature and water vapor pressure were constant around the center of the population. In the case of the east wind, blowing across the population, the temperature and water vapor pressure did not vary in the population. CO2 concentration decreased from the bordering area to 25∼50 meters inside irrespective of the wind direction. [Vertical distribution] In the plant population, temperature rose and water vapor pressure dicreased with height. The difference between the upper and lower part of the border of the population was larger in temperature and smaller in water vapor pressure than that of the inside.
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