British Journal of General Practice
Help needed in medication self-management for people with visual impairment: case–control study
Roseleen M McCann1  Michael Stevenson1  A Jonathan Jackson1  James C McElnay1  Margaret E Cupples1  Martin Dempster1 
[1]Department of Ophthalmology, Royal Group of Hospitals Belfast and Centre for Public Health Research, Queen’s University, Belfast
关键词: medication adherence;    older people;    prescriptions;    primary care;    visually impaired persons;   
DOI  :  10.3399/bjgp12X653570
来源: Royal College of General Practitioners
【 摘 要 】
Visual impairment (VI) is rising in prevalence and contributing to increasing morbidity, particularly among older people. Understanding patients’ problems is fundamental to achieving optimal health outcomes but little is known about how VI impacts on self-management of medication.
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