Ciência Rural
Dry matter yield and tillering of brachiarias sown at depths intercropped with corn
Gazola, Rodolfo de Niro3  Teixeira Filho, Marcelo Carvalho Minhoto2  Dupas, Elisângela2  Celestrino, Thiago de Souza3  Dinalli, Raíssa Pereira3  Garcia, Cássia Maria de Paula1  Mello, Luiz Malcolm Mano de2 
[1]UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil
[2]Faculdade de Engenharia, Ilha Solteira, Brazil
[3]Universidade Estadual Paulista, Ilha Solteira, Brazil
关键词: Brachiaria brizantha;    Brachiaria ruziziensis;    crop-livestock integration;    tiller population density;   
DOI  :  10.1590/0103-8478cr20131080
来源: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria * Centro de Ciencias Rurais
【 摘 要 】
Considering the growth of forage production in crop-livestock system and the possibility of sowing forages at different depths, it's still necessary more research to understand the development of the main forage plants. This study aimed to evaluate the tillering and dry matter yield of two brachiaria species under different depths of seed deposition intercropped with corn in integrated crop-livestock production in the Cerrado region. The experiment was conducted in no-tillage system in Selvíria - Mato Grosso do Sul State, in an Oxisol, clayey. The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial scheme 2x3, with four replications. The treatments were two species of brachiaria (Brachiaria brizantha cv. 'Marandú' and Brachiaria ruziziensis), whose seeds were mixed with fertilizer from corn, and three different depths (8, 10 and 16cm) of fertilizer deposition. The deposition of brachiarias seeds to 16cm depth resulted in lower stand of tillers and dry matter yield. The tillering of forages was influenced by the phases of the corn cycle, with trend towards stabilization in closing between the lines of culture and taken up in the issuance of tillers at the end of the cycle
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