Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
Treatment of Prostatic Abscesses by Aspiration of the Purulent Matter and Injection of Tea Tree Oil into the Cavities in Dogs
Taichi HIRANO1  Tatsuya HORI1  Makoto WASHIZU2  Masaki SAKUMA1  Toshihiko TSUTSUI1  Eiichi KAWAKAMI1  Mai TAKANO1 
[1] Department of Reproduction, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University;Research Laboratory of the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
关键词: canine;    prostatic abscess;    tea tree oil;   
DOI  :  10.1292/jvms.68.1215
来源: Japanese Society of Veterinary Science
【 摘 要 】

References(24)Cited-By(2)Ultrasonography-guided transabdominal needle aspiration was carried out to remove 3 to 14 ml of purulent matter from the cavities of prostatic abscesses in 6 dogs, and the same volume of tea tree oil was injected into the cavities to treat the abscesses. The same treatment was repeated 3 weeks later in 4 dogs, and subsequent disappearance of the purulent matter in the cavities and a marked reduction in the volume of the cavities were observed. These findings indicate that the treatment of prostatic abscesses by aspiration of the purulent matter and injection of tea tree oil into the cavities is very effective in dogs.

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