Public Health Nutrition
The relationship between children’s home food environment and dietary patterns in childhood and adolescence
Carine Vereecken1  Lea Maes1  Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij1  Leen Haerens1 
关键词: Parenting practices;    Children;    Adolescents;    Food habits;    Home food environment;   
DOI  :  10.1017/S1368980010002296
来源: Cambridge University Press
【 摘 要 】
ObjectiveTo identify the correlates of the home food environment (parents’ intake, availability and food-related parenting practices) at the age of 10 years with dietary patterns during childhood and in adolescence.SettingPrimary-school children of fifty-nine Flemish elementary schools completed a questionnaire at school in 2002. Four years later they completed a questionnaire by e-mail or mail at home. Their parents completed a questionnaire on food-related parenting practices at baseline.DesignLongitudinal study.SubjectsThe analyses included 609 matched questionnaires.StatisticsMulti-level regression analyses were used to identify baseline parenting practices (pressure, reward, negotiation, catering on demand, permissiveness, verbal praise, avoiding negative modelling, availability of healthy/unhealthy food items and mothers’ fruit and vegetable (F&V) and excess scores) associated with children’s dietary patterns (F&V and excess scores).ResultsMother’s F&V score was a significant positive independent predictor for children’s F&V score at baseline and follow-up, whereas availability of unhealthy foods was significantly negatively associated with both scores. Negotiation was positively associated with children’s follow-up score of F&V, while permissiveness was positively associated with children’s follow-up excess score. Availability of unhealthy foods and mother’s excess score were positively related to children’s excess score at baseline and follow-up.ConclusionsParental intake and restricting the availability of unhealthy foods not only appeared to have a consistent impact on children’s and adolescents’ diets, but also negotiating and less permissive food-related parenting practices may improve adolescents’ diets.
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