IEICE Electronics Express
Design a low mutual coupling microstrip array antenna with non regular polygonal patches
Ali Farahbakhsh2  Gholamreza Moradi1 
[1] Electrical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology;Technical department of Intelligent Boards electronic company
关键词: microstrip array antenna;    mutual coupling;    polygonal patch;    genetic algorithm;    ant colony optimization;   
DOI  :  10.1587/elex.7.1271
来源: Denshi Jouhou Tsuushin Gakkai
【 摘 要 】

References(21)Cited-By(5)This paper presents a new method to design microstrip array antennas. In this method, non-regular polygonal patches are used and their shapes are determined by genetic algorithm (GA) depending on the design needs. The positions of patch vertexes are optimized by GA. Connecting the vertexes with an incorrect order yields to an invalid patch which its edges intersect themselves. So, ant colony optimization (ACO) is used to find correct connection order of vertexes. This method is used to design an array antenna with low amount of return loss and mutual coupling. Finally, design procedure is verified by simulation.

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