Journal of Computer Science
Web-Facilitated Learning for Bioethics Principles on Human Dignity and Human Rights | Science Publications
Novel Lyndon1  Ravichandran Moorthy1  Sivapalan Selvadurai1 
关键词: Web-facilitated learning strategies;    Bioethics;    Ethics;    Ethical framework;    Human dignity;    Human rights;   
DOI  :  10.3844/jcssp.2012.222.226
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

Problem statement: With the advent of globalization and information and communication technology (ICT), web-facilitated learning strategy has taken an important role in the learning and teaching process. This paper examines how bioethics principles on human dignity and human rights can be learned through web-facilitated learning strategies among tertiary level International Relations students. Bioethics is an emerging field that concerns states and inter-state relations. It is about thinking globally about ethics and about our moral judgment about life, the environment and other species. The objective of this study is to provide an assessment on how graduate students of International Relations use web-based tools to gather information about global bioethics principles. Approach: The research data is collected through feedbacks solicited from some 40 post-graduate students of International Relations on (i) self-assessment on the learning acquired regarding the bioethics principles using web resources and (ii) through a set of pre- and post-tests to test the knowledge acquired on the subject matter. Results: The findings reveal that through the use of web-facilitated learning strategy respondents

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