Data Science Journal
Applying Statistical Design to Control the Risk of Over-Design with Stochastic Simulation
Peng Zhou1  Jian Lin2  Wanhua Qiu1  Yi Wu1 
[1] Dept. of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics;Institute of Education, Tsinghua University
关键词: Percolated stochastic;    Simulation optimization;    Statistical design;   
DOI  :  10.2481/dsj.008-003
来源: Ubiquity Press Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

References(12)By comparing a hard real-time system and a soft real-time system, this article elicits the risk of over-design in soft real-time system designing. To deal with this risk, a novel concept of statistical design is proposed. The statistical design is the process accurately accounting for and mitigating the effects of variation in part geometry and other environmental conditions, while at the same time optimizing a target performance factor. However, statistical design can be a very difficult and complex task when using clas-sical mathematical methods. Thus, a simulation methodology to optimize the design is proposed in order to bridge the gap between real-time analysis and optimization for robust and reliable system design.

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