IEICE Electronics Express
Mu-negative, double-negative, and composite right/left handed metamaterials based on dielectric resonators
Tetsuya Ueda1  Tatsuo Itoh2 
[1] Department of Electronics, Kyoto Institute of Technology;Electrical Engineering Department, University of California at Los Angeles
关键词: metamaterials;    negative refractive index;    left-handed materials;    effective medium;    Mie resonance;    dielectric resonators;   
DOI  :  10.1587/elex.9.65
来源: Denshi Jouhou Tsuushin Gakkai
【 摘 要 】

References(59)Cited-By(3)In this paper, dielectric-resonator-based metamaterials are reviewed. They are classified mainly into several schemes with explanations of their propagation mechanisms. In addition, recent progress on 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D composite right/left handed metamaterial structures based on one-dielectric-resonator scheme with magnetic dipoles embedded in ε-negative host medium are shown along with their applications.

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