Journal of Computer Science
The Benefits of Bezier, B-Spline Algorithm in the Industry World | Science Publications
Djunaidy Santoso1 
关键词: Computer Graphics;    Algorithms;    Blending Function Relationships/Harmony;    Well-Shaped Curve;    Pictures;    Image;    CAD/CAM;   
DOI  :  10.3844/jcssp.2015.270.273
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

Computer Graphics is a science which is widely used in all fields, especially in the fied of Industries, companies, banking and even hospitals. In the aviation industries, marines and automotves, computer graphics with its latest technologies, can be used to solve graphical or imaging problems. Wherever images is involved, for eaxmple for patients’ need in the hospitals, shipping engineers/designers or decision makers in an industry, the images can be analyzed in order to produce a better image in which the accuracy being continuously being researched. (CAD or CAM) (Newman and Sproull, 1981; Date, 1990; Pressman, 2001). The objective of this research is to combine the algorithms in order to create an image which is accurate and can be used by decision makers accordingly. This is performed by associating the Hermite, Bezier, B-Spline algorithms to its harmonic functions such that the resulting curves/images becomes better and more well-formed. This research will produce a picture/image/shape that will serve the needs of the designers. (Newman and Sproull, 1981; Connolly and Begg, 2002; Ramez et al., 2000; Date, 1990; Pressman, 2001).

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