British Journal of General Practice
Death of A Soldier: A Mother’s Story Margaret Evison
Roger Jones1 
[1]BJGP Editor, London. E-mail: ku.gro.pgcr@senojr
DOI  :  10.3399/bjgp13X671759
来源: Royal College of General Practitioners
【 摘 要 】
On 9 May 2009, a small platoon of the 1st Battalion, Welsh Guards, on patrol in the poppy fields of Helmand province, Afghanistan, was ambushed by Taliban fighters. The platoon commander, Lt Mark Evison, had just written in his journal ‘There is a definite lack of steer from above as to how to play this one. I am yet to be given a definite mission and clarity as to my role out here’. In the firefight that followed, hampered by inefficient radio communications, Lt Evison broke cover to determine the safest tactics for his men. He was shot in the right shoulder, and died 3 days later in a military hospital in Birmingham, UK.
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