Public Health Nutrition
Food at checkouts in non-food stores: a cross-sectional study of a large indoor shopping mall
James Wright1  Erin Kamp1  Jean Adams1  Sarah Sowden1  Martin White1 
关键词: Nutrition;    Obesity;    Marketing;    Shops;    Public health;   
DOI  :  10.1017/S1368980015000178
来源: Cambridge University Press
【 摘 要 】

AbstractObjectiveTo investigate the display of food at non-food store checkouts; and to classify foods by type and nutrient content, presence of price promotions and whether food was at child height.DesignCross-sectional survey of checkout displays at non-food stores. Foods were classified as ‘less healthy’ or healthier using the UK Food Standards Agency’s Nutrient Profile Model. Written price promotions were recorded. Child height was defined as the sight line of an 11-year-old approximated from UK growth charts.SettingA large indoor shopping mall, Gateshead, UK, February–March 2014.SubjectsTwo hundred and five out of 219 non-food stores in the shopping mall directory which were open for trading.ResultsThirty-two (15·6 %) of 205 non-food stores displayed food at the checkout. All displayed less healthy foods, and fourteen (43·8 %) had healthier foods. Overall, 5911 checkout foods were identified. Of these, 4763 (80·6 %) were ‘less healthy’. No fruits, vegetables, nuts or seeds were found. Of 4763 less healthy foods displayed, 195 (4·1 %) were subject to price promotions, compared with twelve of 1148 (1·0 %) healthier foods (χ2(df=1)=25·4, P

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