Data Science Journal
Data publication in the open access initiative
Jens Klump2  Michael Lautenschlager7  Heinke Höck7  Joachim Wächter2  Uwe Schindler1  Jan Brase4  Irina Sens3  Roland Bertelmann5  Michael Diepenbroek1  Hannes Grobe6 
[1] World Data Center for Marine Environmental Sciences;GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam;World Data Center Climate, Max-Planck-Institut fur Meteorologie;Research Center L3S, University of Hannover;Library of the Wissenschaftspark "Albert Einstein";Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research;German National Library of Science and Technology
关键词: open access;    access to data;    science policy;    intellectual property rights;    data publication;   
DOI  :  10.2481/dsj.5.79
来源: Ubiquity Press Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

References(20)The 'Berlin Declaration' was published in 2003 as a guideline to policy makers to promote the Internet as a functional instrument for a global scientific knowledge base. Because knowledge is derived from data, the principles of the 'Berlin Declaration' should apply to data as well. Today, access to scientific data is hampered by structural deficits in the publication process. Data publication needs to offer authors an incentive to publish data through long-term repositories. Data publication also requires an adequate licence model that protects the intellectual property rights of the author while allowing further use of the data by the scientific community.

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