Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
Change in viable bacterial count during preservation of milk derived fromdairy cows with subclinical mastitis and its relationship with antimicrobial components inmilk
Hajime MIYAKE4  Yukinori YOSHIMURA2  Naoki ISOBE2  Tomoko KOSHIISHI4  Keiichi HISAEDA3  Masako WATANABE1 
[1] Touyo Veterinary Clinic, Ehime P.F.A.M.A.A. Saijo, Ehime 799�?1312, Japan;Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739�?8528, Japan;Nanyo Core Veterinary Clinic, Ehime P.F.A.M.A.A. Seiyo, Ehime 797�?1211, Japan;Oozu Veterinary Clinic, Ehime P.F.A.M.A.A. Oozu, Ehime 795�?0064, Japan
关键词: dairy cow;    milk;    pathogen;    preservation;    somatic cell count;   
DOI  :  10.1292/jvms.16-0049
来源: Japanese Society of Veterinary Science
【 摘 要 】

References(28)The objectives of the present study were to investigate the change in the number ofviable pathogens during preservation of milk obtained from cows with subclinical mastitisand the association between the decreasing ratio of viable bacteria during preservationand the somatic cell count (SCC) and the values of lingual antimicrobial peptide (LAP),lactoferrin (LF) and lactoperoxidase (LPO). After preservation of milk at room temperaturefor 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hr, the bacterial colonies in the milk were counted todetermine the number of colony forming units (CFUs). Fresh skim milk was used to determinethe values of LAP, LPO and LF. Bacteria were not detected in 19.4% of milk samples, andthis percentage increased up to 30% after 5 hr of preservation. The number ofStaphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus uberis in milkdid not change significantly during the 5-hr incubation, whereas significant decreaseswere observed in the number of coliforms, coagulase-negative staphylococci, yeasts andCorynebacterium bovis. High SCC significantly decreased CFUs ofS. aureus and yeast after preservation of milk for 4 to 5 hr. High LFconcentration in milk was associated with decrease in CFU of S. aureusduring 4-hr preservation. These results suggest that the viable counts of some pathogensin milk decreased during preservation at room temperature after collection, which may beattributed to the leukocytes and antimicrobial components present in milk.

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