Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
Recurrent umbilical cord accidents in a bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus
Mariola Penadés1  Joaquín Ortega1  Juan Manuel Corpa1  José Luís Crespo-Picazo1  Daniel García-Párraga1  Teresa Álvaro1  Mónica Valls1  Fiona Brook1 
关键词: Excessively long umbilical cord;    Cetacean;    Abortion;    Stillbirth;    Gestation;   
DOI  :  10.3354/dao02711
来源: Inter-Research
【 摘 要 】

ABSTRACT: Three successive umbilical cord accidents (UCAs) were diagnosed in the same female bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus during consecutive gestations. In 2 of these, transabdominal ultrasonographic examination revealed coiling of the UC around the peduncle of the foetus. All 3 foetuses were male, died in utero during the last third of gestation and were spontaneously aborted. The 3 UCs were elongated, flattened and congested. For 3 subsequent pregnancies, a different sire was used for mating, handling protocols and treatments were adjusted, and 3 live female calves were successfully delivered. UC lengths were normal. UCAs are associated with excessively long UCs and are not uncommon in humans and horses but are unusual in other species. We believe this is the first detailed report of recurrent UCAs in a dolphin.

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