Breast care
Reproduction and Breast Cancer Risk
Dorothea Hanf1  Volker Hanf1 
[1] aFrauenklinik Nathanstift and Breast Cancer Centre Fürth, Germany
关键词: Breast cancer;    Reproduction;    Hormonal carcinogenesis;    Transplacental carcinogenesis;    Oral contraceptives;    Xenoestrogens;    Infertility treatment;    Gestational diabetes mellitus;    Pregnancy complications;    Breast feeding;   
DOI  :  10.1159/000369570
来源: S Karger AG
【 摘 要 】

Reproduction is doubtlessly one of the main biological meanings of life. It is therefore not surprising that various aspects of reproduction impact on breast cancer risk. Various developmental levels may become targets of breast tumorigenesis. This review follows the chronologic sequence of events in the life of a female at risk, starting with the intrauterine development. Furthermore, the influence of both contraceptive measures and fertility treatment on breast cancer development is dealt with, as well as various pregnancy-associated factors, events, and perinatal outcomes. Finally, the contribution of breast feeding to a reduced breast cancer risk is discussed.

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