British Journal of General Practice
Editor’s Briefing
Roger Jones1 
DOI  :  10.3399/bjgp13X673540
来源: Royal College of General Practitioners
【 摘 要 】
I started writing this at a conference on publication and peer review in biomedical journals in Chicago, organised by the Journal of the American Medical Association and the British Medical Journal, where over 500 people spent 3 days focusing on how to make publication in the biomedical literature as clear, honest, and reliable as possible. I want to take this opportunity in the October Briefing to ask you for your help in making this publication — the BJGP — as good and useful as possible; recognising that, for many years, we have tried to serve a diverse readership, which includes practising clinicians, medical educators and trainers, researchers, managers, and patients in primary care and beyond. At this conference, many of the presentations and discussions were to do with problems such as plagiarism, fraud, and scientific misconduct. Without being in the least complacent, I reflected on how infrequently these topics have reared their heads at the BJGP and how enjoyable and rewarding it has been to deal with all the authors, reviewers, and correspondents who contribute to making the BJGP what it is, and at present it is the second most highly-cited general primary care journal in the world with a rising Impact Factor, against a trend of falling Impact Factors among many primary care and general medical journals.
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