Data Science Journal
A Maturity Model for Digital Data Centers
W Hugo1 
[1] South African Environmental Observation Network, Pretoria, South Africa
关键词: Maturity model;    Continuous improvement;    Objective assessment;    Key performance areas;    Accreditation;    Preservation;    Data centers;   
DOI  :  10.2481/dsj.WDS-032
来源: Ubiquity Press Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

References(6)Digital data and service centers, such as those envisaged by the ICSU World Data System (WDS), are subject to a wide-ranging collection of requirements and constraints. Many of these requirements are traditionally difficult to assess and to measure objectively and consistently. As a solution to this problem, an approach based on a maturity model is proposed. This adds significant value not only in respect to objective assessment but also in assisting with evaluation of overlapping and competing criteria, planning of continuous improvement, and progress towards formal evaluation by accreditation authorities.

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