Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
Digestibility, degradability and concentration of ruminal ammonia in bovines fed diet with citrus pulp in pellets
Soares, Weber Vilas Bôas3  Silveira, Roselene Nunes da2  Franco, Gumercindo Loriano1  Andrade, Pedro de2  Berchielli, Telma Teresinha2  Porcionato, Marco Aurélio de Felicio2 
[1]UnB, Brasília
[2]UNESP, Jaboticabal
[3]USP, Pirassununga
关键词: ammonia;    by-product;    citrus pulp;    digestibility;    disappearance;    ruminant   IntroduçãoCom a crescente agroindustrialização em nosso país;    a produção de resíduos e subprodutos agroindustriais vem sendo cada vez maior;    onde alguns destes são inaproveitáveis e poluentes;    mas outros podem ser utilizados na alimentação animal como fontes alternativas de nutrientes;    visando maximizar a produção animal com um baixo custo;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S1516-35982004000100030
来源: Universidade Federal de Vicosa
【 摘 要 】
The objective of this research was to evaluate the digestibility and the in situ degradation of two types of citrus pulp in pellets: regular (CPPR) and burned (CPPB), as well the potential of production of N-NH3 in the rumen, with two levels in the diet (40 and 60%). A randomized blocks design, in a 2 x 2 (two kinds of pulp and two inclusions levels) factorial and control, was used. The inclusion of citrus pulp in the diets, regular or burned, increased the coefficients of digestibility of the nutrients when compared with the control ration, except for the crude protein. A higher coefficient of digestibility of the nutrients of the regular citrus pulp was observed, when compared to the burned citrus pulp, especially in relation to crude protein, NDF and ADF. The use of burned citrus pulp can result in lower animal performance. CPPR showed higher degradation rate to DM and NDF, when compared to CPPB. DM and NDF potential degradation was obtained with 48h of incubation for all treatments. No difference was oberved among treatments, concerning the N-NH3 production. However, CPPB could be fed to bovines and its utilization should be based on the cost benefits relation.
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