Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
Animal Performance in Summer Grasses Pastures
Brondani, Ivan Luiz3  Restle, João3  Carrilho, Charles de Oliveira3  Cerdótes, Liliane3  Nörnberg, José Laerte4  Roso, Cledson1  Aita, Valmir2 
[1]PROGEPEC Consultores Associados Ltda, Santa Maria
[2]Colégio Agrícola de Santa Maria
[3]UFSM, Santa Maria
关键词: alexandergrass;    elephantgrass;    grazing;    millet;    sorghum    Introdução Aumentar a produtividade da pecuária de corte no Rio Grande do Sul é uma necessidade para tornar os sistemas produtivos mais competitivos e viáveis economicamente;    uma vez que esta ainda apresenta índices de produtividade muito baixos (Anualpec;    2000);    devido;    principalmente;    à deficiência na alimentação;    seja em quantidade ou qualidade;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S1516-35982002000600021
来源: Universidade Federal de Vicosa
【 摘 要 】
- The performance, during the summer of beef steers grazing elephantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), alexandergrass (Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitchc), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) was evaluated. The grazing period for the elephantgrass occurred from 12/04/93 until 04/26/94, and for the other grasses occurred from 01/04/94 until 04/12/94. The total period of grazing was of 143 days for the elephantgrass and of 98 days for the other pastures. The continuous grazing system with variable stocking rate was used. The crude protein of the forage mass was 5.43, 10.08, 9.95 and 10.58% and "in vitro" dry matter digestibility was 50.93, 55.85, 54.56 and 54.81% for elephantgrass, alexandergrass, sorghum and millet, respectively. Significant difference was observed for average daily weight gain which was .928, 1.053, 1.121 and 1.188 kg for elephantgrass, alexandergrass, sorghum and millet. No significant difference was observed for stocking rate (1,682, 1,634, 1,388 and 1,541 kg of live weight/ha) and for live weight gain which was 774, 668, 570 and 640 kg/ha for the pasture of elephantgrass, alexandergrass, sorghum and millet, respectively. The use of summer cultivated pastures with correct management, allows high weight gains per animal and per area, being an alternative for intensive beef cattle production.
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