British Journal of General Practice
David Jewell1 
DOI  :  10.3399/bjgp13X660940
来源: Royal College of General Practitioners
【 摘 要 】
The first object that visitors see sets the tone for the whole exhibition. It is the haunting figure of a dancing boy, caught in the timeless, graceful act of a twisting body. It was created by a Greek sculptor in the 4th century BCE, and was found by fisherman working off the coast of Sicily in 1998. The curators have brought together a collection of bronzes covering an astonishing range of time and space. The chronological range span is from a Danish chariot of the sun, dated to the 14th century BCE, up to contemporary sculpture, including a Louise Bourgeois spider; the geographical from Europe, through Africa including some stunning heads from Benin, religious figures from India, and ritual vessels from China. All pieces are made out of a metal alloy of copper and tin that celebrates simultaneously the triumph of human technology and the artisanship of the caster: one astonishing figure was created specifically in order to show off the caster’s skill.
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