Revista Brasileira de Coloproctologia
The use of a modified jacknife position for stapled hemorroidopexy procedure (PPH)
Teixeira Júnior, Paulo1  Saad-Hossne, Rogério2  Teixeira, Fabio Vieira2 
[1] UNIGASTRO, Marília;UNESP Botucatu
关键词: PPH;    Hemorrhoids;    Surgical Treatment;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0101-98802008000300007
来源: Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia
【 摘 要 】

Our aim is to present a modification in patient placement on surgical table for the treatment of prolapsed hemorrhoids by using PPH technique. We propose a modified jackknife position for PPH procedure where the surgeon stays between patient's legs. The modified jackknife position may provide better surgical field with better view of the dentate line which facilitates pursestring confection. In Brazil, the majority of the surgeons prefer lithotomic position for PPH technique based on Longo's first reports. In our opinion, modified jackknife position provides both better surgical field for pursestring placement and better view of the staple line after PPH firing.

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