British Journal of General Practice
Substance misuse, dementia, worklessness, and seaside towns
Ahmed Rashid1 
[1]University of Cambridge, Cambridge. E-mail: ku.ca.mac.lhcsdem@47ram
DOI  :  10.3399/bjgp14X682933
来源: Royal College of General Practitioners
【 摘 要 】
Trainee GPs are often uneasy about tackling social issues such as safeguarding. It seems that social care practitioners are equally apprehensive about dealing with issues they have less experience with. Social workers from 11 English local authorities were asked about identifying and assessing substance misuse,1 in a study published in the British Journal of Social Work. Researchers analysed 597 responses to a web-based survey and findings from 12 focus groups. The data highlight a wide variety of practice, with substance misuse generally only being emphasised once it became problematic enough to visibly affect function. The study points to a lack of training and tools to help non-specialist social workers deal with this important area. As substance misuse overlaps with other social problems including poverty, mental health, and domestic violence, it is important that all health and care professionals are equipped to identify and manage them in a proactive way.
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