Journal of Computer Science
Policy-Based Security for Wireless Components in High Assurance Computer Systems | Science Publications
L. A. Wahsheh1  J. Alves-Foss1 
关键词: High assurance architecture;    policy refinement;    security policy;    wireless;   
DOI  :  10.3844/jcssp.2007.726.735
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

To enable the growth of wireless networks in high assurance computer systems, it is essential to establish a security engineering methodology that provides system security managers with a procedural engineering process to develop computer security policies. Our research demonstrates how wireless communication technology is deployed using the Multiple Independent Levels of Security (MILS) architecture for high assurance computer system design of security and safety-critical multi-enclave systems to provide a framework for supporting the enforcement of diverse security multi-policies. The established wireless inter- enclave multi-policy paradigm manages multiple wireless security policies within heterogeneous systems. Applying the policy refinement rules presented in this work for a security enforcement procedure of an application system will reduce the proof effort for secure components.

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