British Journal of General Practice
What affects anticoagulation control in patients taking warfarin?
Jeffrey Allen1  Paul Ewings1  Lindsay Smith1  Edzard Ernst1  Caroline Smith1  Catherine Quinlan1 
[1]East Somerset Research Consortium, West Coker
关键词: anticoagulation;    complementary medicine;    garlic;    prescriptions;    warfarin;   
DOI  :  10.3399/bjgp09X453800
来源: Royal College of General Practitioners
【 摘 要 】
The ageing population is taking an increasing number of both prescribed and non-prescribed medication. Little is known of the potential for adverse drug reactions between these. Warfarin is a commonly prescribed medication, well known for its potential to cause serious adverse reactions in combination with many prescription medicines. It has been suggested that herbal medicines such as garlic, either as a dietary supplement or in cooking, may also interact with warfarin, resulting in poor international normalised ratio (INR) control.
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