Public Health Nutrition
Parent outcome expectancies for purchasing fruit and vegetables: a validation
Theresa Nicklas1  Alison Broadfoot1  Kathy Watson1  Janice Baranowski1  Jennifer Fisher1  Karen Cullen1  Mariam Missaghian1  Sharon O'Donnell1  Tom Baranowski1 
关键词: Outcome expectancy;    Fruit;    Vegetables;    Purchase;    Validation;    Reliability;   
DOI  :  10.1017/S1368980007382499
来源: Cambridge University Press
【 摘 要 】

ObjectiveTo validate four scales – outcome expectancies for purchasing fruit and for purchasing vegetables, and comparative outcome expectancies for purchasing fresh fruit and for purchasing fresh vegetables versus other forms of fruit and vegetables (F&V).DesignSurvey instruments were administered twice, separated by 6 weeks.SettingRecruited in front of supermarkets and grocery stores; interviews conducted by telephone.SubjectsOne hundred and sixty-one food shoppers with children (18 years or younger).ResultsSingle dimension scales were specified for fruit and for vegetable purchasing outcome expectancies, and for comparative (fresh vs. other) fruit and vegetable purchasing outcome expectancies. Item Response Theory parameter estimates revealed easily interpreted patterns in the sequence of items by difficulty of response. Fruit and vegetable purchasing and fresh fruit comparative purchasing outcome expectancy scales were significantly correlated with home F&V availability, after controlling for social desirability of response. Comparative fresh vegetable outcome expectancy scale was significantly bivariately correlated with home vegetable availability, but not after controlling for social desirability.ConclusionThese scales are available to help better understand family F&V purchasing decisions.

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