Journal of Computer Science
A New Computer Science Student Recruitment Strategy University Of Sharjah (UOS) Case Study | Science Publications
Manar Abu Talib1  Ashraf Elnagar1 
关键词: Computer Science;    Student Recruitment;    University of Sharjah;    High School;    Introduction to IT;    Programming I;    NAO Robot;    Google Developer Group;    Hour of Code;   
DOI  :  10.3844/jcssp.2015.145.152
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

In this study, we focus on two objectives: (1) To raise awareness of the computing field in three groups of students-high school, freshmen in their first term of university (i.e., students taking the Introduction to IT course) and freshmen in their second term of university (i.e., students taking the Programming I course); and (2) to organize visible CS/IT activities (i.e., robots, the Google Developer Group (GDG), Hour of Code, etc.) and involve as many students as possible. We conducted a detailed survey among these three groups of students to measure the effectiveness of making presentations on CS/IT and determine whether or not awareness of computer science increased as a result. As well, we organized a series of CS/IT activities and events. We measured the effectiveness of the Hour of Code activity on 515 students from grades 1 to 5. The survey results were promising and we conclude that such efforts should continue to be a topic of research into student enrollment growth in the future academic terms. It is also framed to benefit faculty members, administrators and others throughout the global community.

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