American Journal of Applied Sciences
Economic Impact of Climate Change: Elaborating the Policy for Sustainable Development of Central Asia | Science Publications
Assem Yessenbekova1  Ainura Adieva1  Syrym Sharipkhanov1 
关键词: Climate Change;    Global Warming;    Sustainable Development;    Natural Resources;    Central Asia;    Strategy of Socio-Economic Development;   
DOI  :  10.3844/ajassp.2016.562.568
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

The article deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of the impact of global warming on the sustainable economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. In particular, we touch upon the impact of climate change on water resources, agriculture, ecosystems, etc. and propose measures to minimize, prevent and reduce economic losses from the lack of water resources, pollution and depletion of water bodies and ecosystems.

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