Revista Cubana de Hematología, Inmunología y Hemoterapia
Questionnaire to assess health-related quality of life in sickle cell adults
Espinosa-Martínez, Edgardo1  Guerra-González, Eva María1  Machado-Almeida, Teresita1  Machín-García, Sergio1  Martínez-Rodríguez, Marta2  Guerra-Romero, Chaelsys2  Martínez-Triana, Raúl1 
[1] Instituto de Hematología e Inmuología, La Habana, Cuba;Universidad de La Habana, La Habana, Cuba
关键词: quality of life;    sickle cell disease;   
DOI  :  
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Studies related to quality of life (HRQOL) in sickle cell disease are scarce and there are no specific tools for assessment in Spanish. This article described the development and validation of a brief specific questionnaire on quality of life in sickle cell disease (CEB-S), which has been created to assess the quality of life in patients with sickle cell disease on the basis of their own assessment on how this disease affects their quality of life. The development of this instrument included stages: creation of questions, pilot study and field study. The draft consisted of 33 Likert-type closed questions applied to 20 men and 20 women with sickle cell disease. After an analysis, a second 4-scale thirty question version was accomplished and then applied to 104 patients. Psychometric analysis included: evaluation of reliability, validity, sensitivity, specificity, and efficiency. The reliability of this questionnaire in terms of internal consistency by Cronbach index (physical area 0.82; social area 0.82; emotional area 0.76; pain 0.85 and total 0.92) was determined. Sixty nine patients yielded strong validity criterion consistent with the SF-36 health questionnaire. CEB-S discriminant validity was demonstrated, by comparing the results obtained in patients with any symptoms related to this disease, with those obtained in asymptomatic patients and with the stratification of patients according to the severity of anemia at the time of application. This version was considered final.

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