American Journal of Environmental Sciences
Impacts on International Migration and Remittances Growth | Science Publications
Chamhuri Siwar1  Ferdous Alam1  Rabiul Islam1  Basri TaliIb1 
关键词: Remittance growth;    Foreign Direct Investment (FDI);    New Economics of Labour Migration (NELM);    international migration;    economic development;    financial stability;    recipient countries;    Bureau of manpower;    Employment and Training (BMET);    global circulation;   
DOI  :  10.3844/ajessp.2011.20.25
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

Problem statement: This study provided a brief discussion of the international migration,an age old common phenomenon is an emerging economic development issue and remittances growth.Approach: Each year Bangladesh exports huge number of labours abroad for foreign currency, calledremittance. In the last four decades remittances played a major role to eradicate the poverty level inBangladesh and it has experienced positive economic changes in Bangladesh. Now a day

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