British Journal of General Practice
How do common chronic conditions affect health-related quality of life?
Timothy L Frank1  Michelle L Hazell1  Mary F Linehan1  Isobel TM Heyworth1 
[1] Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences University of Manchester, Manchester
关键词: chronic disease;    comorbidity;    EQ-5D;    health related quality of life;   
DOI  :  10.3399/bjgp09X453990
来源: Royal College of General Practitioners
【 摘 要 】

Comorbidity is common. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines have been created to make best use of resources to improve patients' quality of life but do not currently take account of comorbidity. The effect of multiple chronic conditions with regard to health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is poorly researched. Criticisms of previous research have been due to patient-defined chronic conditions, lack of quantification of the effects of confounding factors, selection of affected patients only, small sample sizes, and upper age limits.

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