Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
Adjustment of the photothermic model to estimate soybean development and leaf area index
Muller, Artur G.1  Berto, Jorge L.2  Mallmann, Carise E. S.3  Toledo, Neila T.3 
[1] Embrapa Cerrado, Planaltina;UNIJUÍ;UNIJUÍ, Ijuí
关键词: mathematical modeling;    photothermic constant;    meteorological variables    INTRODUÇÃO A importância do desenvolvimento de modelos no meio científico pode ser ressaltada pelas seguintes razões: os modelos são ferramentas fundamentais para sumarizar o conhecimento científico e auxiliam na tomada de decisão agrícola;    ou seja;    servem como instrumento para o manejo e elaboração de atividades de planejamento na agricultura (Boote et al;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S1415-43662010000300008
来源: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande * Centro de Ciencias e Tecnologia
【 摘 要 】

The present study was carried out to adjust the soy population development model and the leaf area index model for the IAS 5 cultivar. Different sowing dates were used in two experiments as source of development variation during 2004/2005 (three dates) and 2005/2006 (four dates) in the IRDeR (Instituto Regional de Desenvolvimento Rural) located in Augusto Pestana, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (28º 27' 17" S and 53º 54' 50" W). The main crop development phases were identified according to the Feher & Caviness phenological scale, and the leaf area index was determined in four occasions: at the final period of plant population installation (V6); at the beginning of flowering (R1); at the beginning of seed filling (R5), and at the beginning of maturation (R7). The minimum and maximum temperatures were obtained daily. After the adjustment of the genetic coefficients, the model was formatted using the program Stella 5.0. The soy development model presented a suitable performance, precise estimates from the original data. The leaf area index model also presented satisfactory estimation.

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