IEICE Electronics Express
A band-pass filter based on the optically controllable S22 parameter of a MESFET
Yukio Yamamoto1  Satoshi Mikumo2 
[1] Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Sangyo University;Kusumoto Patent Office
关键词: Microwave filter;    Active filter;    Tunable filter;    Metal semiconductor field effect transistor;    Optically controllable filter;   
DOI  :  10.1587/elex.2.86
来源: Denshi Jouhou Tsuushin Gakkai
【 摘 要 】

References(7)Cited-By(1)It is noticed that drain reactance of a MESFET is significantly changed by laser irradiation, and a novel optically tunable filter is proposed. One MESFET works not only as a negative resistance, but as a tuning element. Tuning range of 104MHz is obtained in X-band by optical tuning.

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