American Journal of Applied Sciences
Design and Modeling of a New Tactile Sensor Based on Membrane Deflection | Science Publications
Siamak Najarian1  Goldis D. Emamieh1  Ali T. Golpaygani1 
关键词: Tactile sensor;    contact force;    softness;    deflection;    membrane;   
DOI  :  10.3844/ajassp.2007.815.820
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

The designed sensor can detect 2D surface texture image, contact-force, and softness of the sensed object. It consists of a chamber for pneumatic actuation and a membrane with a mesa structure. The sensing mechanism is the contact deformation effect of a membrane. Determination of the contact force and softness of sensed object is based on the amount and variations of the out-of-plane deflection at the center of a circular membrane. This versatility facilitates the use of the sensor in smart applications where tactile information is used to create intelligent system. The proposed sensor is suitable for using in medical applications, especially in minimally invasive surgery (MIS).

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