British Journal of General Practice
Open access publishing: important changes for the BJGP
Catharine Hull1  Hajira Dambha1  Roger Jones1 
DOI  :  10.3399/bjgp13X665125
来源: Royal College of General Practitioners
【 摘 要 】
In October last year we published an editorial describing the background to the move towards open access publication of research articles1,2 and, in the wake of the Finch report,3 how this is likely to be taken forward for biomedical journals generally and by the BJGP in particular. In open access publishing the publisher makes the paper available to anyone, without charge, as soon as possible after acceptance. In return researchers pay a charge (the article-processing charge or APC) to the publisher for online open access publication of the article once accepted. The thinking behind this is that if research is publicly funded, then the public as well as the science community and those subscribing to journals should be able to see the results of the research right away.
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