American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Geometric Optimization of Three-Phalanx Prosthesis Underactuated Fingers using Particles Swarm Algorithm | Science Publications
Somar M. Nacy1  Sadeq H. Bakhy1  Shaker S. Hassan1 
关键词: Particle swarm optimization;    genetic algorithm;    phalanx prosthesis underactuated fingers;   
DOI  :  10.3844/ajeassp.2009.381.387
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

Problem statement: One are now interested to investigate the optimum design procedure for a finger driving mechanism to have a good configuration of the finger for its utilization in hand prosthesis. A Geometric Optimization of Three-Phalanx Prosthesis Underactuated Fingers (TPPUF) based on a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) was presented. Approach: Firstly, a numerical evaluation of the human-like motion was obtained by using an anthropomorphic finger mechanism. Secondly, the dimensional design of a finger driving mechanism had been formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem by using evaluation criteria for fundamental characteristics that were associated with finger motion, grasping equilibrium and force transmission. Results: Testing results indicated that the proposed PSO gives high-quality result and shorter computation time compared with genetic algorithm. Conclusion: Using the PSO Algorithm with the Matlab-software, it is possible to identify all the necessary parameters of the mathematical models.

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