Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
Variable rate fertilizer application in precision farming by varying the travel speed
Schlosser, José F.2  Pinheiro, Eder D.2  Dornelles, Marçal E. C.2  Rozin, Dinorvan1  Werner, Valmir3 
[2]UFSM, Santa Maria
关键词: broadcaster spreader;    application rate;    longitudinal distribution    INTRODUÇÃO Ocorreu;    nas últimas décadas;    grande evolução na agricultura brasileira conseguindo-se dobrar;    praticamente;    a produção e a produtividade de algumas das principais culturas sem;    no entanto;    aumentar o tamanho das áreas de produção na mesma proporção;    todavia;    existe a necessidade de aumentar a produção de forma sustentável;    sobretudo em relação à preservação do meio ambiente;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S1415-43662007000600016
来源: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande * Centro de Ciencias e Tecnologia
【 摘 要 】
The main purpose of this work was to evaluate the performance of a set formed by an agricultural tractor equipped for precision farming and a broadcaster spreader not adapted for applications of fertilizers at variable rates. The variations of the rates of fertilizer application were controlled by varying the travel speed. The width, uniformity of traverse and longitudinal distribution and the variation of the applied rate of NPK fertilizer were determined. The study was accomplished in a commercial farming of soybeans in the city of Santa Rosa, RS. For better reliability of the tests, a soil condition and farming relief that would represent a real situation of use of the mechanized set were looked for. The results showed that, in the study situation and with the used fertilizer, it is possible to use the set for widths between 20.5 and 22.5 m in the continuous application circuit and back-and-forth, with variation coefficient below 15%. In the analysis of the longitudinal profile of distribution, the values of variation coefficients between 8.78 and 12.48% were obtained. The mechanized set allows composing several application rates varying the travel speed in the system of precision farming.
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