Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira
Comparative study and validation of three quantitative PCR (qPCR) techniques for the diagnosis of African Swine Fever
Oliveira, Anna G.G.2  Laguardia-Nascimento, Mateus2  Ribeiro, Eduardo L.2  Fonseca Júnior, Antônio A.2  Mata, Camila Pacheco Silveira Martins da1  Reis, Jenner K.P. dos1 
[1] Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil;Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, Pedro Leopoldo, Brazil
关键词:  PCR Real-Time;    African swine fever virus;    validation;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0100-736X2016000600003
来源: Colegio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal-CBPA
【 摘 要 】

:This study evaluated the performance of three real time PCR techniques (qPCR) for the diagnosis of African Swine Fever in tissue samples. The three chosen techniques are based on amplification of viral protein VP72 gene sequences and are recommended by OIE (PSA-OIE), the United States official laboratories (PSA-USDA) and the European Union (PSA-EU). Target sequences of the viral DNA were inserted into synthetic plasmid, which served as a positive control for the standardization of techniques and optimization of reagents, determination of limits of detection and performance verification testing. To gauge repeatability and reproducibility of techniques, standard procedures were repeated on different days by two analysts and by changing mix reagents and equipment, and also by another laboratory. Analytical sensitivity tests were done with reference samples provided by an OIE reference laboratory and analytical and diagnostic specificity were tested with negative samples. The PSA-EU and PSA-USDA techniques were more advantageous to use because of lower concentration of oligos used. There were no significant differences in quantitative results varying the days of tests, analysts, equipment and the mix of reagents. The three techniques had high analytical and diagnostic specificity and sensitivity. The three qPCR techniques were considered equivalent and effective and can be adopted by any laboratory for issuing official diagnosis of African Swine Fever.Index

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