Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología
Renal function and thromboprophylaxis in patients with hip fractures
Salabarría González, José R3  Blanco Mesa, Blanca1  Artiles Granda, Diego A2  Balmaseda Bataille, Irene1 
[1] Hospital Clínico-quirúrgico Docente Diez de Octubre, La Habana, Cuba;Hospital Ortopédico Docente Fructuoso Rodríguez, La Habana, Cuba;Hospital Pediátrico Docente Juan Manuel Márquez, La Habana, Cuba
关键词: hip fracture;    thromboprophylaxis;    glomerular filtration rate;   
DOI  :  
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Objectives: demonstrate that serum creatinine determination alone is not enough to know about renal function, and that it is necessary to estimate the glomerular filtration rate through an equation including the serum creatinine value obtained and also the variables age, sex and race. Develop the computerized system NEFROCALC to quickly estimate glomerular filtration. Methods: a retrospective study was conducted of 100 patients undergoing hip fracture surgery who were given a heparin compound as antithrombotic prophylaxis. A uniform dosage was used. Doses of anticoagulants were adjusted in cases of renal damage, which was determined by measuring renal function. Results: it was found that the patients under study most of whom were elderly persons showed a decline in the glomerular filtration rate signaling renal failure, leading to the conclusion that the heparin dose should have been adjusted in patients with moderate renal failure. Conclusions: serum creatinine concentration did not make it possible to evaluate renal function. The best value to evaluate renal function was the glomerular filtration rate, which could be estimated through an equation including the variables age, sex, race and serum creatinine concentration using the computerized system NEFROCALC. The dose of anticoagulant should have been adjusted in elderly patients with glomerular filtration rates signaling moderate renal failure. Its use was not recommended in patients with a severe decline in glomerular filtration.

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