American Journal of Environmental Sciences
Seasonal Distribution of Organic Carbon in the Surface Sediments of the Terengganu Nearshore Coastal Area| Science Publications
M. S.N. Azhar1  S. Hasrizal1  B. Y. Kamaruzzaman1  I. Sakri1  M. C. Ong1 
关键词: Organic carbon;    pre-monsoon;    post-monsoon;    terengganu nearshore;   
DOI  :  10.3844/ajessp.2009.111.115
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

Problem statement: The distribution of organic carbon in the surface sediment is a crucial indicator for current productivity in the ocean especially in the nearshore area. The difference of organic carbon in the surface sediment reflects the influence of current movement on the bottom sediment. Approach: This study was carried out to oversee the difference of organic carbon distribution during pre and post-monsoon seasons.For the purpose of the study, 42 surface sediments in the Terengganu near shore area were collected and determined for organic carbon by using the wet dichromate acid method.Results: The concentration of organic carbon was significantly different between the seasons showing a relatively higher content during pre-monsoon seasons. In this study, the average concentration of organic carbon in pre-monsoon was 1.14

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