Public Health Nutrition
A nutrient profiling assessment of packaged foods using two star-based front-of-pack labels
Amy M Carrad1  Victoria M Flood1  Elizabeth K Dunford1  Heather R Yeatman1  Jimmy Chun Yu Louie1  Bruce C Neal1 
关键词: Front-of-pack label;    Health star rating;    Dietary guidelines;    Nutrient profiling;    Institute of Medicine;   
DOI  :  10.1017/S1368980015002748
来源: Cambridge University Press
【 摘 要 】
AbstractObjectiveTo compare two front-of-pack nutrition labelling systems for the assessment of packaged foods and drinks with Australian Dietary Guidelines.DesignA cross-sectional nutrient profiling assessment. Food and drink products (n 20 225) were categorised into scoring levels using criteria for the Institute of Medicine (IOM) three-star system and the five-star Australian Health Star Rating (HSR). The effectiveness of these systems to categorise foods in accordance with Australian Dietary Guidelines was explored.SettingThe study was conducted in Australia, using a comprehensive food database.SubjectsPackaged food and drink products (n 20 225) available in Australia.ResultsUsing the IOM three-star system, the majority (55 %) of products scored the minimum 0 points and 25·5 % scored the maximum 3 points. Using HSR criteria, the greatest proportion of products (15·2 %) scored three-and-a-half stars from a possible five and 12·5 % received the lowest rating of a half-star. Very few products (4·1 %) scored five stars. Products considered core foods and drinks in Australian Dietary Guidelines received higher scores than discretionary foods in all food categories for both labelling systems (all P
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