British Journal of General Practice
National Treasures
Roger Jones1 
DOI  :  10.3399/bjgp13X660931
来源: Royal College of General Practitioners
【 摘 要 】
Three new plays that recently opened at the National Theatre should appear on your to do list for 2013. Lucy Prebble came to prominence with Enron, in which video projection, geometric lighting, and choreography were blended with naturalistic dialogue to track the mechanisms of the financial scandal surrounding the bankruptcy of the American energy company. Again working with the director Rupert Goold, Prebble employs similar techniques in The Effect to depict a tightly-monitored trial of a new antidepressant in normal volunteers conducted in a pharma company facility. Two subjects, played by Billie Piper and Jonjo O’Neill, are attracted to each other, but are their emotions drug-induced or ‘real’? And who is on placebo, and who is on the active drug? And whose functional MRI scans are we looking at? Do antidepressants work anyway, and what lies beneath the surfaces of the buttoned-down trial monitor and the plausible pharma medic? It’s worth finding out.
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