Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
Generation of Neuronal-Like Cells from Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells of a RFP-Transgenic Cloned Cat
Guang-Zhen JIN3  Xi-Jun YIN2  Il-Keun KONG3  Sung-Tae YEE1  Young-S LEE3  Eu-Gene CHOI3  Jin-Tae JEON3  Su-Jin CHO3  Xian-Feng YU2 
[1] Department of Biology, Sunchon National University;Department of Animal Science & Technology, Sunchon National University;Division of Applied Life Science (BK21), Graduate School of Gyeongsang National University
关键词: differentiation;    mesenchymal stem cell;    neuronal-like cell;   
DOI  :  10.1292/jvms.70.723
来源: Japanese Society of Veterinary Science
【 摘 要 】

References(21)Cited-By(10)Umbilical cord blood (UCB)-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent adult stem cells, which can differentiation into cells of connective tissue and neural lineages. This study investigated the potential for neuronal differentiation of red fluorescent protein (RFP)-transgenic cat UCB-derived MSCs. The cells were cultured in pre-induction medium for 24 hr and in neuronal-induction medium for 72 hr. Immunofluorescent staining showed that 6.85% of the total cells were β III-tubulin-positive, 3.37% were neurofilament light (NF-L)-positive and 7.04% were neurofilament medium (NF-M)-positive. A β III-tubulin band was detected by western blot analysis. Our results demonstrate that RFP-transgenic UCB-derived MSCs can be differentiated into neuronal cells in vitro. Thus, RFP-transgenic MSCs could provide alternative tracing material for stem cell transplantation.

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