Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
Morphogenetic and structural responses of Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça on different levels of nitrogen fertilization and cutting regimes
Fonseca, Dilermando Miranda da1  Garcez Neto, Américo Fróes1  Gobbi, Kátia Fernanda1  Nascimento Junior, Domicio do1  Regazzi, Adair José1  Mosquim, Paulo Roberto1 
[1] UFV, Viçosa
关键词: cutting height;    fertilization;    leaves;    morphogenesis;    structure;    tillers   IntroduçãoA produção animal com base em pastagens pode ser visualizada;    basicamente;    como um processo de três estádios: crescimento da planta forrageira;    utilização da forragem produzida e sua conversão em produto animal (Hodgson;    1990);   
DOI  :  10.1590/S1516-35982002000800004
来源: Universidade Federal de Vicosa
【 摘 要 】

The morphogenetic and structural characteristics of Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça were evaluated in response to different levels of nitrogen supply and cutting regimes. The study was conducted in a glasshouse with natural conditions of light and temperature. Treatments corresponded to four levels of nitrogen supply (0, 50, 100 and 200 mg/dm3) and three cutting heights (5, 10 and 20 cm). The morphogenetic evaluations included leaf appearance and elongation rate, phyllochron and leaf lifespan. The structural measurements were: number of leaves, number of tillers and leaf lamina length of fully expanded leaves. The morphogenetic responses were affected by nitrogen supply during regrowth, highlighting the importance of that nutrient for manipulating sward structure. All variables responded positively to nitrogen supply, except phyllochron. Cutting height had a significant effect on leaf lifespan, leaf lamina length of fully expanded leaves and number of green leaves per tiller. Leaf appearance and elongation rate per tiller were increased in 133 and 104%, respectively, by nitrogen supply. The relationship between both group of variables was determinant for the characterization of the main vegetative changes on plants. The responses observed on morphogenetic characteristics comprise an efficient attribute to manipulate canopy structure, allowing improved allocation of productive resources to growth and developmental processes.

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