Canadian family physician: Medecin de famille canadien
Review of emergency preparedness in the office setting: How best to prepare based on your practice and patient demographic characteristics
Bridgette Chan^41  Constance LeBlanc^12  Louis Staple^33  Jock Murray^24 
[1]Doctorate of pharmacy candidate in the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto in Ontario.^4
[2]Emergency physician at the Charles V. Keating Emergency and Trauma Centre in Halifax, NS, and Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine and Associate Dean for Continuing Professional Development and Medical Education Research at Dalhousie University.^1
[3]Medical student at Dalhousie University.^3
[4]Works in emergency medicine and in family medicine in Halifax and is Director of the Enhanced Skills Program and Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at Dalhousie University.^2
DOI  :  
来源: College of Family Physicians of Canada
【 摘 要 】
Objective To outline an approach to assessing the risk of emergencies in one’s medical practice and determining the equipment and medications required for emergencies and the necessary staff training to meet this important facet of patient care. Sources of information The emergency preparedness recommendations presented in this article are based on data collected from family physicians’ current preparedness plans, formal physician evaluation and informal feedback provided after 2 large group presentations, and the authors’ expertise in areas including family medicine, emergency medicine, prehospital care, and pharmacology. Main message Delineating risk based on practice profile, location, and demographic characteristics will inform the development of an appropriate plan to meet both public expectations and professional obligations. Reviewing the plan or having a practice drill of the plan once developed will improve the process in the event of an emergency. It is also essential to have medication and equipment checked periodically for expiry dates and proper functioning. Conclusion Physicians will encounter office emergencies at some time in their practice. Appropriate risk assessment, planning, and preparedness will allow the provision of high-quality care, safety for staff members, the best patient outcomes, and the reward of having managed a time-sensitive problem in an efficient and effective manner.
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